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수은분석기 제품정보

Stack Gas Monitor

굴뚝 수은 분석기

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제품의 특징

SM-3는, 소각로, 발전소, 각종 공장등의 굴뚝등에 직접 설치하여 배출 가스중의 수은의 농도를 측정하는데 사용

- 연속적인 운용[실시간 데이터 전송]
- 원소수은, 산화수은, 총수은, 입자수은등 분석
- 반응시약 불필요, 건식법 선택
- 자동영점조정
- 측정범위 : 1~50 / 1-75 / 1~500ug/m3 (필요에 따라 확장 가능)

제품의 원리

제품의 사양
Measuring component: total mercury Hg (tot)
Measuring principle: thermocatalytic reduction, atomic absorption at 253.7 nm
Measuring range: 0 - 50 µg/m3
0 - 75 µg/m3
0 - 500 µg/m3
Detection limit: < 1 µg/m3
Response time T90: < 60 seconds
Measurement cycle time: none, continuous measurement without time gaps
Air supply: oil-less compressed air, approx. 1.5 bar (approx. 22 psi)
Operating temperature: 5 - 40 °C
Power supply: 230 VAC / 50 Hz (+10% / -15%)
Electrical power consumption: max. 1000 VA (analyzer)
max. 150 VA/m (sample line)
Signal outputs: 4-20 mA (max. load 500 Ohms)
digital status outputs (relais contacts)
Dimensions: 550 x 1000 x 700 mm (WxHxD)
Weight: approx. 50 kg
Approval: Test conducted by German TÜV (Munich),
Report Nr. 24020562/August 1999), published in GMBl 1999/Nr. 33.
Mercury Instruments As a leading supplier of high precision analytical equipment, we strive at all times to offer top quality solutions. Our products are manufactured according to the ISO 9001 quality regulations.


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